Your Pre-Shoot Boudoir Checklist

Before your shoot, there are five main elements you should take into consideration to ensure your photos turn out as beautiful as you imagine them to be. Neglecting these important photo aspects could distract from your natural beauty! Here's what you need to mark off your Boudoir checklist before the big shoot. The week before your shoot should give you enough time to be fully prepared!
1. Face. Start by whitening your teeth each day with an affordable product from your local drugstore. If you use this and avoid red wines and coffee for the week before your shoot, your pearly whites will shine to their full potential. Second, be sure not to pick your face. It can be tempting not to pop those blackheads, but continue to only use topical ointments and foundation to abstain from any redness that may occcur from picking. Step three is treating yourself to a facial. This will help perfect your skin and make it glow in the camera light. Finally, get your eyebrows waxed if they need it. Many believe the eyebrows are the most distinguishing part of the face, so make them count!
2. Hair. Get a trim before your shoot. You don't want any split ends and frizzies showing up in the finer details of the photo, and a quick trim will help this. If your hair is colored, be sure to touch up your roots so as not to let any natural colors come through. Finally, deep condition! This will silken your hair to an amazing glossy finish.
3. Hands. This category may seem odd, but because hands can be used in very sensual, creative ways in a Boudoir shoot, you want to make sure they're looking their best. Getting a manicure is a definite must, and consider cleaning up your wedding ring or any other jewelry you'll be wearing during the shoot.
4. Skin. If you prefer a hairless feminine body (but hey, it's 2015, some ladies are going with the natural European look nowadays!), be sure to shave or get waxed all your problem areas. However, remember not to stress too much about any imperfections or missed spots, because Photoshop can usually take care of those.
5. Clothes. Finally, you need to prepare those amazing outfits! Bring at least 5 depending on your photographer's preferences for time, and bring a variety. A good way to ensure variety is by bringing something dark, light, fun, and sexy.