4 Sexy Boudoir Shoot Tips

Is your shoot coming up, but you still feel the butterflies and unease? Are you considering a Boudoir shoot but aren't sure you'll be confident enough? Here are four sexy Boudoir shoot tips that may give you that extra boost of confidence you need!
1. Relax with a glass of champagne or wine. Not that we're recommending to get drunk at your shoot, but there's nothing wrong with a little buzz! If you prefer a glass of your favorite drink to calm your nerves, your photographer should be more than accomodating.
2. Pack a few wild outfits. Of course delicate lingerie is a common go-to for Boudoir, but you may surprise yourself with sexy slips, fishnets or a retro bustier. Bring a few items you aren't expecting to wear, but might be hoping someone will convince you to try.
3. When in doubt, flash a sexy smile! Boudoir is big on smoldering looks, but if you're having a hard time channeling your inner diva, a genuine smile can often be the sexiest thing in the room.
4. Go glam! Be sure to ask your photographer about professional salon services, because this is one event you shouldn't do your own makeup for. Treat yourself!