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How to Prepare for a Boudoir Shoot

If it’s your first time as a boudoir client, here are ten quick tips to ensuring you’re prepared! 1. Don’t go fake tanning! If your spray on turns out a bit more orange than you wanted, that color will be maximized under a professional camera. Instead, go with a gradual tanner from the drug store, or use an all-over bronzer lightly on your body. If you’re fair-skinned, don’t try to change the entire tone of your body – your photographer will work with you to get that Snow White porcelain look. 2. If you have a sudden breakout, remember that your photographer is a pro at Photoshop, and can erase those in a matter of minutes, as well as proving a professional makeup artist who will be able to hide whatever blemish you’ve got. To prevent them from happening, be very kind to your skin the week before – drink more water than usual and wash your face multiple times a day. 3. Get plenty of sleep before your shoot. Don’t stay out partying the night before, because it will show on the camera. Take a hot bath, read a book, or simply relax the night before. 4. Get a manicure and pedicure before your shoot. Because hands and even feet can be used a lot in Boudoir posing, you don’t want to run the risk of your drug store nail polish chipping in the morning, or missing a smudge on your cuticle. Go with either a neutral color that will match any outfit, or a bold classic red. 5. As far as body hair goes, a good rule of thumb is the more skin you’re showing, the more waxing you should consider. We won’t hark too much on this, but just be sure you know what hair you want to stand out, and what hair you definitely DON’T! 6. Organize your outfits the day before the shoot. If you have multiple outfits, the shoot will move much more quickly if you have each outfit wrapped in separate packages to be laid out individually the day of the shoot. 7. Practice your poses in front of the mirror! While your photographer will help you with most of the posing, it’s a good idea to get your own feel for what poses you think look pretty. You can even practice in front of a significant other to see what they think! 8. Get a playlist together of your favorite songs to pump you up. A silent shoot can make a lot of clients feel awkward or shy, so pick out any song that makes you feel sexy, fun, excited or sensual to help provide a good mood for the day of the shoot.

9. Don’t skip breakfast! While you may want to stop that tiny tummy bulge right before the shoot, you don’t want a growling stomach during a shoot, and you’re going to need a lot of energy before the shoot. A lot of people say these boudoir shoots feel almost like a pilates workout, so don’t come without energy! 10. Relax! Don’t stress about the shoot, because your photographer will ensure a comfortable, fun, easy experience. All you need to do is start fantasizing about how good you’re going to look!

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