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9 Ways To Feel Sexy Today


For some people, negative images projected all around us in society and in the media can take a huge toll on our personal libido, and how sexy we feel in our everyday life. At Boudoir by Hettinger, we want you to say "screw that!" to those feelings, and embrace your inner sexiness every day of your life, whether that be in front of the camera or while doing the dishes! Here are 9 easy ways to make it happen.

1. Do something that scares you each day. While falling into a rut is a normal pattern of life, think about one thing you can do daily to climb your way out of it. Take a yoga class, learn a new hobby, or cook a new meal, and you'll feel empowered and ready to conquer the world -- and maybe your partner, too.

2. Relax. Master the art of letting go. Forget about all the stresses of your daily life, and breath. Once you feel comfortable about your day, you'll feel sexier at night.

3. Love yourself. Okay, maybe this is easier said than done sometimes, but it's so crucial to take time out of your day and say "hey, I rock. Good job, me." Once you love yourself and love what you're doing, everyone else will see how sexy that confidence can be.

4. Wear something that makes you feel good. Don't ever let anyone tell you that being particular about clothes is a shallow quality -- wearing what you love and owning what you wear is one of the easiest ways to feel sexy.

5. Don't compete. As women, we're sometimes trained to consider each other enemies out to win the same man. We're here to tell you that 2015 is the year to quit that mindset! Every woman is gorgeous and perfect in their own way, and once you stop judging yourself against others, you'll feel amazing about your own uniqueness.

6. Be flirty. Lock eyes with the guy across the room, chat up the cutie who works a few cubicles over, or take charge and be the one to buy the first drink at the bar. Making the first move can be a very cool feeling.

7. Pamper yourself. Splurge on a manicure, a new haircut, a full body massage or just a new pair of shoes to help you feel great about just being you.

8. Try new looks. Halloween is my personal favorite holiday for one reason -- you get to be someone totally new! There's no harm in buying a bold new lipstick, doing your hair differently than usual, or putting together an outfit that's normally outside your comfort zone. Changing up your game is a straight shot to sexiness.

9. Take yourself on a date. Sound weird? No way! Go see a movie, grab a drink, get dinner or visit an art gallery by yourself. Spending a day alone with your thoughts doing something you love makes you appreciate the number one person in your life -- you! And nothing helps you feel sexy more than the independence to be happy just with you.

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