10 Great Things To Wear For Your Boudoir Shoot
Not sure what you should bring for the shoot? Here's ten must-haves!
1. His _____
Wear an item of your significant other's wardrobe to give that sexy, day-after vibe that he'll love.
2. A Baby Doll Dress
These light, tiny dresses give an air of innocence to your sultry shoot.
3. Something You Wouldn't Normally Wear
A boudoir shoot is a time to get wild -- go buy that crazy lingerie you always peek at in the mall window but have never had a reason to buy before.
4. Casual Clothes
This one may seem weird, but getting a great shot with a baggy sweatshirt or your favorite button down shirt can be very alluring.
5. A Corset
A no-brainer, but this iconic piece of boudoir wear will put you in the perfect mood to show your wild side.
6. A Little Black Dress
If you aren't quite ready to bear all, bring your favorite night-out dress for a high fashion look!
7. Bras and Panties
Another no-brainer, but be sure to take time picking out your favorite underwear to show off.
8. Nothing!
Don't feel like dressing up? You'd be surprised how elegant a nude boudoir shot can be. Our tasteful photographer will make you feel incredibly sexy and empowered in your birthday suit.
9. Bustier
Need a lift? Try a bustier to really draw attention to your lovely curves.
10. High Heels
Bring your sexiest stillettos to give yourself that extra confidence boost, as well as a great prop to play around with for some really creative shots.
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