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8 Simple Life-Changing Makeup Tricks

It's hard out there for us ladies -- constant pressure to be perfect in every way, but especially with our makeup. While perfection is soooo last year, there's nothing wrong with trying your best to make YOU feel great, regardless of what anyone else thinks! Try out these 8 crazy tips to help your morning makeup ritual go a bit more smoothly.

1. The Plastic Spoon

More than just an eating utensil, a spoon can be used to keep mascara off your skin by holding it onto your eyelids during application. No more smears!

2. Scotch Tape Eye Stencil

If you're going for a cat-eye or other more difficult eyeliner style, use a piece of scotch tape to guide you -- trace along its edge for a perfectly straight line, then rip it off for a clean finish!

3. Fixing Clumpy Mascara

When your favorite mascara tube starts drying up, don't pump your wand in and out -- that only adds air to the dryness. Instead, put in a few drops of Visine (or any other brand of eye drops) to give it some revitalized wetness.

4. Exfoliate Lips Before Applying Gloss/Stick

To get baby smooth lips, you need a baby-style tool -- a baby toothbrush! Rub one of these across your lips vigorously to scale off any chapped bits. Your lipstick will go on silky smooth.

5. Make Your Eyes Bigger

This one is easy -- stop lining your bottom line with dark eyeliners, and invest in a white cream! Smearing white liner onto the bottom will create the illusion of larger eyes.

6. Make Your Eyeshadow Pop

Ever bought an eyeshadow that just didn't go on as brightly as it looked? Here's an easy fix -- take that white cream or liner you bought for tip #5, and smear it all over your lids before applying shadow -- it will illuminate the color for a beautiful pop!

7. Get Bigger Lashes Fast

Don't feel like your eyelash curler is doing the best job it could? Hold it under your blowdryer for no more than ten seconds, then immediately curl. It works the same way as a haircurler, and will give you that definition you've been striving for!

8. Eyebrows and Face Shape

The form of your eyebrows can either highlight your face shape, or it can really clash. Use this quick pic to guide what shape you should strive for!

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