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10 Ways to Feel Relaxed and Sexy During Your Shoot

1. Focus on Having Fun

Focus on having fun, not on how to look perfect – that’s your photographer's job. If you're having a great time, that will show through in the photos. Having a good time is sexy!

2. Visualize Visualize yourself having a great time before the shoot even begins. Take a few minutes out of each day leading up to your shoot to imagine yourself, out on the floor, doing what you do, feeling sexy, everything going smoothly, then seeing the photos and loving them. Get as specific as you can -- the more you visualize, the more you'll be ready!

3. Get Inspired Look at your favorite magazines, films, models, lingerie store, art, and more to begin recognizing your personal style -- what do you think is sexy? This will help you communicate with your photographer and make the shoot go more smoothly.

4. Give It All You've Got Bring your sass, confidence, and power. Be open. The best shoots work with clients who don't hold back.

5. Be Sensual Use your senses during the shoot to make yourself feel sexy. Taste your favorite wine. Wear your best perfume. Compose the perfect outfit that makes you feel like a vixen. Listen to songs that turn you on. Do whatever you need to do to make you feel hot!

6. Be Silly As soon as you start embracing your silliness, all shyness goes out the window. Be a ham! Goof off and have fun! Test yourself to see how outrageous you can be – the photographer would rather have to tone you down about rather than fire you up. Go for it!

7. Embrace Your Movement Don't know how to pose like a model? Then don't! Be natural! Move in ways that make you feel sexy, and keep it different for every shot. Do you know how to flirt? Have fun with your photographer, "flirt" your way to those perfect shots.

8. Remember Why You're HereSimply being in front of a camera is sexy -- it’s powerful and vulnerable at the same time, and if you keep in mind who you plan to give these photos to, you'll be even more driven to do your best.

9. Fake It

If all else fails, fake it. Easy as that! You don't feel particularly sexy today? Put yourself in a new character -- be Gissele, be Tyra Banks, be your favorite Victoria's Secret Model -- imagine whatever you need to get that sexiness flowing.

10. Be Yourself

If faking it isn't your style, be who you are (that's my suggested route!) Be comfortable with who you are, in the moment. Don’t wait around to lose a few pounds or change your hair color -- embrace the you of today! You are sexy and beautiful exactly as you are.

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