#ShootMeJosh Boudoir Contest
Have you heard about our #ShootMeJosh Boudoir Contest?? Listen up, because this is big! Boudoir by Hettinger is giving away a free...

All About Bodyscape Photography
Something very new is happening in the world of photography, and we think you're going to like bodyscape photography. It's called...

The Boudoir Guide to a Great Sex Life With Your Spouse
The Boudoir Guide to a Great Sex Life With Your Spouce recently published a great slideshow detailing how to keep your love life alive in...

Top Boudoir Songs to Play at a Shoot
If you read our post on getting pumped up for a boudoir shoot, you know that having a good Boudoir playlist can really lighten the mood,...

8 Easy Makeup Tips For Your Boudoir Shoot
While we usually include a professional makeup artist in your Boudoir package, if you feel like doing it the old DIY way, here are eight...

7 Boudoir Excuses Answered
Why haven't you taken the plunge and done a Boudoir shoot yet? After working in Boudoir for some time now, I've heard every excuse in the...

6 Amazing Lingerie Shops
If you're looking for new lingerie for a shoot, for your significant other, or just for yourself, we've got the best insight on what...

Your One Stop Shop For Boudoir Ideas -- Josh Hettinger on Pinterest
Thinking about boudoir, but aren't totally sure if it's for you just yet? We reccommend heading to our Pinterest page to check out some...

Am I Ready For Nude Photography?
While boudoir can be incredibly sexy whether you model is fully clothed or scantily clad, some clients want to go the extra mile and do a...

The Difference Between Boudoir and Glamour Photography
Wanting to do a shoot, but can't decide if you want to go the glamour or boudoir route? Here's a quick run-down of the differences...